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rss 디스코드 새글 보내기 파이썬

import requests
import feedparser

webhook_url = ‘https://’
# 디스코드 웹훅주소
rss_url = ‘https://’
# rss주소

def send_to_discord(message):
payload = {‘content’: message}, json=payload)

def get_last_entry():
with open(‘last_posted.txt’, ‘r’) as file:
except FileNotFoundError:
return None

def update_last_entry(link):
with open(‘last_posted.txt’, ‘w’) as file:

def check_rss_feed():
feed = feedparser.parse(rss_url)
latest_entry = feed.entries[0] #글순서 rss 첫번째 글1개 전송
last_posted_entry = get_last_entry()

if != last_posted_entry:
send_to_discord(f”💬: {latest_entry.title} – {}”)


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